Vista Homes Building Corporation

About Vista Homes Building Corporation

Vista Homes is an 118 unit cooperative building established in 1926. The promotional material at the time called it “the largest and finest cooperative building in the world.” The 17 story vintage building, inspired by 19th century picturesque and romantic architectural styles, features an imposing lobby with leaded glass windows and four elevator banks. The apartments in Vista Homes retain their original elegance with spacious rooms and architectural features not found in newer buildings. Vista Homes is well-situated on Stony Island Avenue across from Jackson Park with easy access to Wooded Isle with the beautiful Japanese Garden, the fifty-seventh street beach, and the Museum of Science and Industry. Next door to Vista Homes is the new University of Chicago Laboratory School’s Early Childhood Campus (pre-school through second grade). Located at the southeast corner of the University of Chicago campus, it is easily accessible to the Loop by the #6 bus and the Metra train.

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